Wellness isn’t just for grown-ups

Six Senses has launched Grow with Six Senses, the group’s new
framework for kids, which incorporates six dimensions of
wellness into all activities for younger guests.


Grow with Six Senses encourages children to understand more
about wellness, about what’s going on inside them and in the
world around them. As they journey through each activity,
they’ll get a new stamp for their personal passport.


The six dimensions of wellness are social, environmental,
physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual – they’re
designed to bring kids back to basics and help them reconnect
with nature and others around them. Programmes will vary from
resort to resort, but the overarching aim will be to introduce
physical activities, yoga and mindfulness, social experiences
and tailor-made spa treatments.


Vice President of Spa and Wellness, Anna Bjurstam, says: “This
framework ensures a holistic offering for our little guests.
We’re really proud of what each resort has created and we know
families are going to love the experience, too.”


Children will be offered the opportunity to learn everything
from how to make their own toothpaste, face masks and body
scrubs to edible water bubbles. At Six Senses Fiji, opening
this month, kids will be able to make their own snacks using a
solar oven; in Samui they’ll be offered the chance to learn the
art of singing bowls. Other activities include making kites and
flowers with recycled paper, finding dinosaur fossils, recycled
shell crafts, purifying water, candle making and growing seeds
in a coconut shell.

