GWS names its Shark-Tank Winner

The Global Wellness Summit has named Jarrod Luca as winner of the Shark Tank of Wellness Student

An understudy of Florida State University, Luca took top respects for building up another virtual reality treatment to treat sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) and nervousness. His EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing utilizes a virtual reality headset.

Luca beat 60 different understudies from 26 nations to be named the Worldwide Wellness Summit’s second yearly Shark Tank of Wellness victor. Each of the three finalists introduced innovation based arrangements, underscoring the significance innovation holds for the new age of health trailblazers and the urgent part it will keep on playing in conveying wellbeing and health to a worldwide group.

Sprinter up Maria Gil, from École de Lausanne in Switzerland, built up the pHealth toothbrush, which measures the pH levels from spit in the mouth and is shown by means of an application, to urge individuals to an expend a less acidic eating regimen.

‘The Shark Tank of Wellness offers an imperative take a gander at what lies ahead for the health business,’ said GWS Chairman and President Susie Ellis. ‘The Shark Tank of Wellness is an extraordinary worldwide challenge, giving college understudies the chance to submit imaginative, impactful thoughts for the health business.’